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FACTS: Let's Talk About Wheat, Dos & Don'ts

  Wheat.. Is a cereal, very commonly consumed in most of our daily meals. Wheat is almost undeniably a household product. From muffins, pastas, crackers, bread to bagels. Being a most versatile grain in value addition to nutrition and health, wheat is widely available all over the world market and households. Image:depositphotos Predominantly, consumption of wheat for the purpose of health and diet benefits rely on the kind or type indigested. Whole Wheat  – Form the healthiest and most nutritious wheat Extracted Version – Form the less nutritional valued wheat, as the brown outermost layer is shaded out In essence wheat has numerous health benefits but not short of adverse impacts too. Wheat is a great source of fibre, necessary vitamins and mineral, but also constitutes of gluten; a protein responsible for the elasticity seen in dough, which is also said to cause abdominal pains and unwellness to a fraction of the world's population. Wheat benefits to health Reducing chronic...

Hidden “Healthy" Foods In Your Daily Diets

I know this is that point you are expecting a eat this, not that..change this, do that.. pick these, leave that but right here today, I am all about giving you my cherished readers, a heads up on what and which dangers you are exposing your systems health to and trying to control and limit some of these damaging effects from some ‘healthy' foods and drinks we are accustomed to.

Needless to say, subconsciously, most engage in the destruction of their own future; strong, beautiful, long and healthy future. These eats are nothing short of pretentious purpose in our attempts to live healthy and diseases-free. They ate either stacked up with sugars, salts or preservatives which are enormously harmful to our health.

If you would allow me to point out these fake health eats from their hideous contributions to allow you take enough extra measures in their consumption and usages. Here are the trendy notorious 12;

1. Whole Wheat Bread

Are packed with high levels of sugar content used in there making and baking. Most of these bread contain high fructose corn syrup and mollases that might be alarming to your health.

2. Yoghurt

While yoghurt might be promoted as a superfood for weight reduction and gut wellbeing, it's not exactly the fix everything you may envision. Seasoned yogurt is stacked with conceivably cancer-causing fake tones, flavors, and heaps of sugar. It very well may be similarly pretty much as terrible as frozen yoghurt!

3. Rice Cakes

Rice cakes might be by and large low in calories, yet their fixings can transform them into garbage in a moment. Rice cake has 3 grams of sugar, on account of a combo of sugar, fructose, and maltodextrin. So one should take extra precautions in consumptions.

4. Coconut Water

For a perfect and better health, normalise hydrating using the common water. Most coconut water are usually flavoured pausing a threat to health as they are highly packed with large quantities of sugar in their composition. It is therefore best to draw limits and control on its intakes to like once or twice a week.

5. Egg Substitutes

In case you're eating egg substitutes, you're passing up an entire host of supplements. Egg substitutes are generally egg whites, which means you're not getting the abundance of nutrients contained in egg yolks, including nutrient D, which examination has connected to bring down paces of obesity and decreased stomach fat.

6. Baked Chips

Prepared chips may have less fat than their deep fried partners, yet they're not really an expect your wellbeing. Prepared chips regularly pack in more sodium to compensate for the absence of fat, and on the grounds that they're promoted as a better alternative, you may very well persuade yourself that it's no biggie to eat a greater amount of them.

7. Margarine

Well margarine might have gotten so famous as a better alternative to butter health-wise hence its wide and vast usage all over the globe but truth be known, you might still be at higher risk of developing heart complications and diseases plus high cholesterol levels in the body system as it is packed with high trans fat contents.

8. Sports Drinks

These sports drinks are not safe for you. They are for the sporty, mark that extra hard. The drinks were made to reboost the energy levels after participation in sports or hard exercises. They contain electrolytes which serve that purpose so perfectly. On the other side, this then means they are highly packed with  sugars, artificial dyes, sodimu and carb that can turn out injurious to health.

9. Fruit Smoothies

Indeed, on the off chance that you are buying a pre-made packaged smoothie from the supermarket, then, at that point no. These fruity blends are regularly stacked with sugar, to the tune of more than 50 grams for each serving. In addition, there is not a single fiber in sight. So next time you feel like quenching that fruity juice thirst, then better think it twice. Better you do the blending yourself and make it pure organic.

10. Whole Grain Cereals

While most are perceived as healthy, one should be very careful to read on the labeled contents of the cereals. These food items are known to constitute a huge sneaky amounts of sugar. Just be on the look out and very alert on ones bragging 8 or less grams of sugar.

11. Fruit Juices

These are awfully the most fake health eats you will ever know. In fact, instead of the juices, one should rather take the fruit itself. It is much more healthier and nutritious. The juces are loaded with tons of sugar and carbs which are added during their processing.

12. Fast Food Salads

Some outlets for instance, have these salads flaunting over 690 calories and 1,890 milligrammes of sodium which goes a long way to getting you filled up with nothing but diseases and bad health. As much the salads are marketed as healthy cover for the fast foods, you are slowly putting your health at risk. Beware. 

Check out this book for the freshest and healthy smoothies recipe now! Juicy Smoothies Recipes Book


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