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FACTS: Let's Talk About Wheat, Dos & Don'ts

  Wheat.. Is a cereal, very commonly consumed in most of our daily meals. Wheat is almost undeniably a household product. From muffins, pastas, crackers, bread to bagels. Being a most versatile grain in value addition to nutrition and health, wheat is widely available all over the world market and households. Image:depositphotos Predominantly, consumption of wheat for the purpose of health and diet benefits rely on the kind or type indigested. Whole Wheat  – Form the healthiest and most nutritious wheat Extracted Version – Form the less nutritional valued wheat, as the brown outermost layer is shaded out In essence wheat has numerous health benefits but not short of adverse impacts too. Wheat is a great source of fibre, necessary vitamins and mineral, but also constitutes of gluten; a protein responsible for the elasticity seen in dough, which is also said to cause abdominal pains and unwellness to a fraction of the world's population. Wheat benefits to health Reducing chronic...

Unbelievable 7 Weird Signs of Good Health

Health has always been a paramount agenda to every living being on the surface of the earth, especially when it gets to the human health. Our health status is always determined by the kind of lifestyle we decide to lead and embrace in our daily activities. What we eat, our diets to physical activities, exercises to mental well-being, stress-free life and staying positive towards life in general, all these contribute widely to attaining good healthy.


Incredibly, some good health signs and symptoms are not all out of everyone's expectations list for depicting good health exhibitions. We would notice or experience some of these signs without taking much keen interest or having an indifferent opinion from seeing the signs. Increasingly, many have feared and even taken precautionary measures to curb the experience or ordeal only not being aware they are health-wise okay and had no need to worry.


Though strange and alarming enough, the following signs and symptoms are nothing more than a mere good signal of being healthy.
  1. Having a flaky skin. Obviously this is not a pleasant one. Actually it might be demoralising and a self esteem killer but turning to the positive side of this effect, a flaky loosening skin only signifies renewal of old skin. This counts as a healthy sign that you are okay, no need for alarm.
  2. Strong sense of hunger. Having a huge urge to eat or experiencing strong hunger pangs is a great sign if healthiness, only meaning your body systems are actively functioning needing to be supported by the foods you intake inorder to continue with its good work.
  3. Clear urine. Colourless urine during peeing signifies over hydration. Slight pale yellow urine is not bad either as it shows you are adequately hydrated, therefore, good health. Whereas darker urine symbolises dehydration.
  4. Frequent gas release. This is considered healthy as the body has to pass out or let out gases to maintain the body systems. So no need to be ashamed of this biological activity.
  5. Regular bowels discharge. It is only natural and a good sign that one is highly healthy, possessing an amazing digestive system functioning perfectly well to relieve body of toxic items.
  6. Constant earwax production. Earwax production is healthy as it performs to hold back foreign materials from entering the ear and also having antimicrobial agents to keep infections away while aslo protecting the eardrums from excessive noises.
  7. Stable weight. Not having a flactuating weight every time you check on your weight is actually not a big deal. You are perfectly fine and healthy as it is.
While giving the diets a chance to see a miraculous turn out of events in weight cut down and having the thin waist figure you deserve, alternatively, if already attempted time over time and feel delayed outcomes, checkout the following method of Weight management that has also proven very effective and economical to a myriad of individuals.


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