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FACTS: Let's Talk About Wheat, Dos & Don'ts

  Wheat.. Is a cereal, very commonly consumed in most of our daily meals. Wheat is almost undeniably a household product. From muffins, pastas, crackers, bread to bagels. Being a most versatile grain in value addition to nutrition and health, wheat is widely available all over the world market and households. Image:depositphotos Predominantly, consumption of wheat for the purpose of health and diet benefits rely on the kind or type indigested. Whole Wheat  – Form the healthiest and most nutritious wheat Extracted Version – Form the less nutritional valued wheat, as the brown outermost layer is shaded out In essence wheat has numerous health benefits but not short of adverse impacts too. Wheat is a great source of fibre, necessary vitamins and mineral, but also constitutes of gluten; a protein responsible for the elasticity seen in dough, which is also said to cause abdominal pains and unwellness to a fraction of the world's population. Wheat benefits to health Reducing chronic...

3 Simple Waistline Trimming Steps You'll Love

  Having fat deposits attack on your waist can be a very disturbing and distressing issue. It can make you hate yourself to the brinks of loosing your self-esteem and confidence around your family and friends. But it's never too late to turn the awful feeling into ashes with one two simple, easy and healthy tricks.  Image; All you have to do is easy. Keep up that determination and a little perseverance, be you and put your mind in the project. Besides, what else have you got to loose other than your bugging fat deposits. Cutting off  on your waist size is actually more beneficial than you think. It helps energize your body and decrease your chances of contracting health threatening conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, there are quite a number of forms including controlled dietary and easy work out procedures for you to give a try. How you'd love to do it; Eat Right – The very initial step to this mission is to effectively and efficientl...

Foods you Don't Want to Eat for Breakfast

What really should be eaten as breakfast and what shouldn't be taken..? As we all know it is that meal meant for breaking-the-fast, the long night's fast and largely considered the most important meal of the day. If this really is a fact then why not be extra cautious of the foods we use during this time?   You should be able to enjoy your breakfast options and this is where the challenge falls. The options should be sweet, fulfilling and most importantly nutrients-packed. It is not an easy ordeal either way but it's really necessary to look out into what we ingest for our breakfast. Amongst the wider variety of breakfast options we may have before us, it's important to be aware of some of these options you should shun or atleast moderate on their intake. Some of these to be watchful for are as follows; #1. Buttered Toast Image:recipethis Having bread slices spread with butter is not actually enough for a healthy breakfast option. One should consid...

Best Plant Based Sources of Omega 3 Fats and Oils

 The most commonly known sources of the omega 3 fatty acids being salmon, trout and tuna which are rich in both fish fats and fish oils, did you know that you can get these nutrients from plants also?.. Omega 3 fats and oils are highly nutritious and provide many health benefits. They help to build and maintain healthy body's systems functioning. Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the structuring of every cell wall in the human body and also serve to provide energy shots to keep the heart, blood vessels, lungs and the entire immunity system functioning properly. Intake of omega 3 fatty acids can go a long way in helping to; Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease Reduced risk of blood clots Reduced risk of dementia Reduced risk of death if already suffering from cardiovascular disease Reduced risk of inflammation Some of the plants based sources of Omega 3 Fats and Oils are mentioned below. 1. Walnuts They are loaded with healthy omega 3 fatty acids. T...

Guava Fruit & Leaf Amazing Health Benefits

  What's guava? Guava is a tropical fruit from a tropical plant with so much nutritional and medicinal benefits. The plant's fruit and leaf have been scientifically proven to be very helpful in aiding mankind in different health situations. The plant products are usually consumed fresh. The fruits can be eaten wholely or made into juice. The leaves are highly medicinal and can be used to make herbal tea or leaf extract used as supplement. Guavas are rich in vitamin A, C and E. Contains four times more vitamin C than even oranges, boasting of more potassium than the banana and even more fibre than the king of fruits, the pineapple. Health benefits; 1. Boosts Immunity Packed with vitamin C, the guava fruit is known to be a better immunity building agent than the other fruits. It boosts your immunity levels that helps in fighting pathogens and infections. 2. Weight Loss & Control The fruit regulates metabolic reactions of the body systems. G...

Eating Vegan: 7 Benefits of Plant Based Diets

What's eating vegan?   Say it is a practice that an individual adopts to try and simply cut down on meat intake and eat a diet that is more plant-wise oriented, though with some limited animal print chipped in here and there. Registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition con Sabor in Raleigh, North Carolina, Krista Linares, RDN defines plant based diet. Image:everydayhealth The diet, therefore, is one more inclined towards feeding more on plants based foods, even acquiring the protein and oils from plants-based sources of protein and oils, like beans, nuts etc. while less consideration or attention is offered to the animal based foods. The diet is more or less a like to that of a vegetarian. A  Plants-based diet has several health benefits. You are likely to be unable to believe it but all are true and factual information on this diet's positive impact in your body health and life in general. #1. Decreased Risks of Heart Disease  Meat, cheese, and eggs accompany choleste...

Appetizing Healthy Snacks for Family Treats

  Snack times for the family is that moment you would probably never wish or want to trade for anything else I bet. These moments as a family unit always bring out the best feeling of togetherness, shared love and sense of belonging as one shares fun and exciting moments. It is a good treat for relaxation in between meals, even more better if healthy.  Even though most of the packaged snacks tend to be the unhealthiest, it is advised to check on your snacks' nutrients composition. This is the best opportunity to drop in some nutritients-packed elements in the snack treat. Ensure every food the family eats is always not only delicious but also energizing, nutritious and healthy for their health safety. Listed below are the best appetizing healthy snack treats  that are perfect for the whole family. Snacks packed with proteins for the whole family; Eggs Cheese Milk Nuts Hummus Ham slices Yoghurt Also important are snacks full of fibres and vitamins, good...

Healthy Regular Morning Checklist: Start your Day the Healthiest Way

Image:tipsforgrooming The sure way, actually the best way to start off your day is going the healthiest way from when and how you wake up. This really matters a lot on how the rest of your day would turn out. Counting on a routined checklist that is not just right but also healthy, it works miracles every morning. Get it right in the morning and see yourself working your way most productively and effectively for the rest of the day. See yourself actively performing with the least of distractions and effort. This is your one time offer to be the healthiest you as you have always desired. Every beginning are always challenging and breathtaking but with this, fresh from sleep, you can never go wrong. Here are some great healthy ideas for your great morning. 1. Good Wake Up Time   This does not imply you have to wake up so early though if you can it's very okay but then you just have to fix a good time fit with you for you remember, according to your everyday activities. The fit wake u...