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FACTS: Let's Talk About Wheat, Dos & Don'ts

  Wheat.. Is a cereal, very commonly consumed in most of our daily meals. Wheat is almost undeniably a household product. From muffins, pastas, crackers, bread to bagels. Being a most versatile grain in value addition to nutrition and health, wheat is widely available all over the world market and households. Image:depositphotos Predominantly, consumption of wheat for the purpose of health and diet benefits rely on the kind or type indigested. Whole Wheat  – Form the healthiest and most nutritious wheat Extracted Version – Form the less nutritional valued wheat, as the brown outermost layer is shaded out In essence wheat has numerous health benefits but not short of adverse impacts too. Wheat is a great source of fibre, necessary vitamins and mineral, but also constitutes of gluten; a protein responsible for the elasticity seen in dough, which is also said to cause abdominal pains and unwellness to a fraction of the world's population. Wheat benefits to health Reducing chronic...

Hazards of Chicken Consumption You Never Knew Why you have to Monitor your Chicken Eating Habits Chicken dishes and recipes have always been amazingly delightful, sweet and very attractive. I can remember the last time I did not partake in enjoying this dish. Chicken is attributed to being a major source of high-quality protein nutrients making it so popularly prepared in so many different ways in so many different events. The so many different ways of chicken preparations brings up the alarming factor which health-wise, have to be called out for the greater good of humanity in love with this dish. Chicken can be grilled, baked, fried, smoked and even boiled to any consumer's desire.  It does not stop there, the hazardous side of chicken has also been found by scientists to be deriving from its habitat and growing methods. It is therefore, in my greatest interest to highlight to you some of these slowly damaging side effects. Take keen notes here. Risk of Cancer Taking little to very low diets o...

Healthy 7 Days Balanced Diet Meal Plan

 Eating healthy is very important for a healthy and strong body system. It has multiple benefits and advantages as eating healthy relies on your feeding habits. Fitness, maintaining that desired body shape and living a diseases-free lifestyle all are attributes from a healthy eating culture. A meal plan is a tool purposefully designed to aid in providing a healthy eating module with an aim of promoting a balanced dietary feeding. Here is a healthy one week meal plan for you, from Monday to Sunday with plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner meal hours. MONDAY Breakfast: Egg omelette with sorghum (wimbi)  porridge Banana for snacks Lunch: Mashed potatoes with peas and green vegetables Fruit salad for snacks Dinner: Chicken liver with sweet potatoes with mixed veges. Tea with milk for snacks TUESDAY Breakfast: Arrow root  (nduma) with milk tea Apple for snacks Lunch: Green peas (ndengu)  with rice and vegetables Fruit salad for snacks Dinner Baked or mashed potatoes with...

Hidden “Healthy" Foods In Your Daily Diets

I know this is that point you are expecting a eat this, not that..change this, do that.. pick these, leave that but right here today, I am all about giving you my cherished readers, a heads up on what and which dangers you are exposing your systems health to and trying to control and limit some of these damaging effects from some ‘healthy' foods and drinks we are accustomed to. Needless to say, subconsciously, most engage in the destruction of their own future; strong, beautiful, long and healthy future. These eats are nothing short of pretentious purpose in our attempts to live healthy and diseases-free. They ate either stacked up with sugars, salts or preservatives which are enormously harmful to our health. If you would allow me to point out these fake health eats from their hideous contributions to allow you take enough extra measures in their consumption and usages. Here are the trendy notorious 12; 1. Whole Wheat Bread Are packed with high levels of sugar content used in ther...

Traveling? Feeding Habits to Avoid

Interestingly, food and drinks to carry on board while on a journey wether in air, voyage on the seas and oceans or even land has always been quite a big challenge. Much frequently, you would get different devastating cries and complaints now and then especially in meals taken on journeys resulting in food poisoning. Stomach upsets and diarrhea becoming the first signs and symptoms of having partaken in consumption of unhealthy food Personally I'm a great fun of food stuffs and this hasn't left me out of this sticky situation as I'm also passionate about traveling and visiting new places. This then raises my point of concern over food safety practices and choice of kind of food to eat and drinks to carry while on such advances. There are a number of safe foods and drinks one can get to tag along with and consume without fear of getting poisoned or having to humiliate oneself with a rumbling tummy and diarrhea. Habits to keep off while traveling Food ...

Why Raw Honey is Healthier for You

  Who doesn't know what honey is?... Of course no one can even pretend to assume having no knowledge of this particular food. Honey is that thick, slimy sweet syrup from the honeybees. Honey has been in mankind household and man's reach since stone age. It's been attributed to contribute in man's healthy lifestyle and progressive-man-immunity development and growth. Raw honey as popularly called, can be said to be that honey produced by the bee as it is in the honey comb inside the hive, which is then extracted from the comb and strained into a container and finally bottled for consumption. Why Raw Honey Then? First things first as I always prefer, raw honey is natural. With anything from nature, mother of all humble begins, nothing can ever go wrong. Take for example having the local chicken versu the broilers, which is the sweetest and health-wise? Of course the local chicken takes the day. Raw honey is highly nutritious. It has been  scientificall...

Rich Healthy Simple Diets For You

Yummy! Tantalising mouth watering simple and rich not only in taste but also nutrients and vitamins is the current world culture to be embraced. Food and not just food for the tummy, delicious eats indulgence can always get you a long way to some freedom of the mind, body and even the spirit. True happiness sets in as eats form major basic life desire and need. Take great pride and care in your eats whether economically, culturally or technologically. All I'm about in this particular journey on ideal kinds of food and eats to quench that desire or hunger for a meal is that, it's high time the entire world at large now stay aware and cautious in their eats as much as we would love to have fun, enjoy and even rejoice in every food item we ingest. It is highly important that we do not lose sight over the right food to consume while going for the wrong unhealthy eating habits.  Carbohydrates Rich Foods Oats, sweet potatoes, beetroots, bananas, apples, grape fruits, oran...